I would want to vist jamacia. It is located in the south western hemisphere and it is very close to the equator which gives it a tropical,sunny climate and enviorment.It is located on the North American cointenent but as of 1962, it was declared an independent nation.Its captial is Kingston,Jamacia.Bordering countries include but are not limited to the Domincian Republic,Puerto Rico, Cuba,Bahamas and Haiti.The reason why i would want to visit this country is because it has a very diverse and chilled culture. There customs and morale are to me realistic and they very much differ from the U.S customs and morale.I also have many family and friends that have visted jamacia or have immigrated from jamacia here. Although people sterotype this place to be chaotic and unorganized, i feel very connected to there culture and i think its a beautiful place. That is why i would visit Jamacia.